Most Trusted Agribusiness Valuation Specialists

Crown Appraisals, Inc. has 35 years of specialized experience in, and in-depth knowledge of, agribusiness industries. Put your trust, and your business, in the hands of the most trusted agribusiness valuation advisor around, whose service and experience differentiate us from the competition.
Experience and expertise matter in the rural appraisal industry. Because of Crown Appraisal Inc.’s firsthand knowledge and deep exposure to various segments of the agribusiness industry, they are uniquely qualified in appraisals of difficult, complex, and multi-faceted agribusiness properties including:
- Grain Elevators
- Fertilizer Plants
- Seed Conditioning Plants
- Feed Mills
- Sugar Beet and Sugar Cane Factories
- Biofuel Facilities
Crown Appraisals, Inc. serves the private manager or owner; and the law, lending, and financial accounting communities and their clients in the entire Midwest, from Wisconsin and Minnesota, through North Dakota and South Dakota, down south to Oklahoma through Louisiana. Crown Appraisals can easily gain temporary licensing for the state in which the property is located. We have experience in 35 states and counting.

Crown Appraisals’ Services
Whether for lending, mergers and acquisitions (M&A), purchase price allocation, valuation for financial reporting or bookkeeping, mortgage or operating financing, legal disputes, or insurance claims, Crown Appraisals provides professional service and consulting. Crown performs UASFLA (Uniform Appraisal Standards for Federal Land Acquisition – “Yellow Book”) appraisals for eminent domain. A high-quality agribusiness appraisal is critical in:
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Lending
- Purchase Price Allocation
- Financial Reporting or Bookkeeping
- Mortgage or Operating Financing
- Legal Disputes
- Litigation Support
- Insurance Claims

Jeffrey Berg
35+ years of experience at work for you with Jeffrey Berg, ARA, ASA, and his specialized network.

A team of experts working for you on challenging and unique appraisals.

Your Team
A highly skilled team with an effective, broad list of skill sets at your service.

Jeffrey Berg, ARA, ASA
Crown Appraisals, Inc. is led by Jeffrey Berg, ARA, ASA. Jeff has 35+ years of experience in agricultural appraisals and is recognized as a leading expert in grain elevator, seed plant, fertilizer facility, and agribusiness equipment appraisals. Jeff was the 2011-2012 National President of the ASFMRA (American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers). Crown Appraisals helps its clients achieve their business needs with consistently high-quality appraisals and client-centered results-oriented outstanding service.
For more information, contact email jeffberg@crownappraisalsinc.com or call (701) 478-3130 or click the contact button below.
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“Crown Appraisals has a unique ability to quickly identify the critical components and economic characteristics of very niche industry segments.”
Sugar Beet CooperativeChief Executive Officer